Situasi yang terjadi sekarang ini di Bangkok dengan diterapkannya "Martial Law" membuat banyak klien kami yang akan ke pergi ke sana bulan ini bertanya apakah Bangkok aman untuk didatangi ?
Sebenarnya, Martial Law itu memang disebut "darurat militer", tetapi tidak seseram yang dibayangkan. Hal ini diberlakukan karena sejak demo yang terjadi dari beberapa bulan yang lalu, pihak militer tidak ikut campur tangan dengan apa yang terjadi. Tetapi karena sudah menimbulkan banyak korban, akhirnya pihak militer membuat keputusan ini dengan tujuan untuk menjaga keamanan kota.
Pemberitaan di media kadang terlalu melebih-lebihkan, padahal situasi di sana biasa-biasa saja. Hanya yang mencolok adalah banyaknya tentara di mana-mana dengan amunisi lengkap. Selebihnya ? life goes on
Teman-teman di Bangkok hidup normal seperti biasa. Partner bisnis / rekan agen disana tidak ada yang melarang untuk datang. Jika mendengar info seperti "katanya grand palace & wat pho demo", jangan langsung di telan bulat-bulat. Kedua tempat itu kan tempat ibadah mereka yg suci dan sangat penting. Ingat, Thai people sangat menjaga kesucian tempat religius mereka. Pengunjung saja tidak boleh berpakaian sembarangan masuk ke temple itu, jadi tidak mungkin mereka akan mencemari tempat itu untuk berdemo , bukan ?
Yang harus dimengerti adalah demo itu terpusat di daerah tertentu saja, jadi situasi di luar area itu biasa-biasa saja. Seperti yang terjadi di Jakarta, jika ada demo di Senayan, toh anda masih bisa berbelanja atau hang out di PIM atau Kemang bukan ? Bangkok itu luas, jadi take it easy.
Hal menguntungkan lainnya adalah transportasi di sana sangat variatif. Di darat, di udara, di air dan di bawah tanah. Semua ada. Jika anda takut terjebak macet karena massa yang sedang berdemo dengan berjalan kaki , pilih saja transportasi dengan BTS / MRT , atau ojeg sekalipun !
Jadwal aktivitas anda di sana pun biasanya tidak akan bersinggungan dengan area para "pendemo" ini. Biasanya klien kami menghabiskan waktu 1 hari full di area Siam, untuk (window) shopping from mall to mall, atau di Pratunam - Platinum area ( bertetangga dengan Kedubes Indonesia) , ke Chatuchak ( pakai BTS / MRT, so no worry ) atau ke area tepi sungai Chao Phraya dimana landmark utama Bangkok , 3 Wat paling terkenal ada di situ, yang tentu saja tidak akan menjadi lokasi demo.
Jika anda masih ragu-ragu ingin pergi tetapi masih takut, atau ingin membatalkan tetapi sayang uang, kenapa anda tidak membuat rencana cadangan saja, untuk "kabur" ke Pattaya, atau jika waktunya cukup bisa ke Phuket ? Toh yang penting anda sudah menjejakan kaki di "The Land of Smile".

Teman-teman di Bangkok hidup normal seperti biasa. Partner bisnis / rekan agen disana tidak ada yang melarang untuk datang. Jika mendengar info seperti "katanya grand palace & wat pho demo", jangan langsung di telan bulat-bulat. Kedua tempat itu kan tempat ibadah mereka yg suci dan sangat penting. Ingat, Thai people sangat menjaga kesucian tempat religius mereka. Pengunjung saja tidak boleh berpakaian sembarangan masuk ke temple itu, jadi tidak mungkin mereka akan mencemari tempat itu untuk berdemo , bukan ?
Yang harus dimengerti adalah demo itu terpusat di daerah tertentu saja, jadi situasi di luar area itu biasa-biasa saja. Seperti yang terjadi di Jakarta, jika ada demo di Senayan, toh anda masih bisa berbelanja atau hang out di PIM atau Kemang bukan ? Bangkok itu luas, jadi take it easy.
Hal menguntungkan lainnya adalah transportasi di sana sangat variatif. Di darat, di udara, di air dan di bawah tanah. Semua ada. Jika anda takut terjebak macet karena massa yang sedang berdemo dengan berjalan kaki , pilih saja transportasi dengan BTS / MRT , atau ojeg sekalipun !
Jadwal aktivitas anda di sana pun biasanya tidak akan bersinggungan dengan area para "pendemo" ini. Biasanya klien kami menghabiskan waktu 1 hari full di area Siam, untuk (window) shopping from mall to mall, atau di Pratunam - Platinum area ( bertetangga dengan Kedubes Indonesia) , ke Chatuchak ( pakai BTS / MRT, so no worry ) atau ke area tepi sungai Chao Phraya dimana landmark utama Bangkok , 3 Wat paling terkenal ada di situ, yang tentu saja tidak akan menjadi lokasi demo.
Jika anda masih ragu-ragu ingin pergi tetapi masih takut, atau ingin membatalkan tetapi sayang uang, kenapa anda tidak membuat rencana cadangan saja, untuk "kabur" ke Pattaya, atau jika waktunya cukup bisa ke Phuket ? Toh yang penting anda sudah menjejakan kaki di "The Land of Smile".
Kami sudah membuat beberapa kompilasi berita tentang situasi yg sedang terjadi di sana, jadi silahkan memutuskan sendiri apakah akan tetap ke Bangkok atau membatalkan rencana anda.
1. Follow https://twitter.com/RichardBarrow, infonya update tentang situasi di sana
2. Diambil dari group "Backpacker Dunia"
Informasi kepada seluruh WNI di Bangkok dan sekitarnya, dini hari ini (Selasa, 20/5/14) pihak militer memberlakukan Martial Law dan mengambil alih keamanan kota. Namun warga di imbau agar tidak panik karena ini BUKAN kudeta militer. Hal ini dilakukan agar pihak-pihak yang bertikai segera mengakhiri unjuk rasa yang hingga saat ini masih berlangsung.

Agar menghubungi KBRI Bangkok jika mengalami masalah sebagai akibat dari meningkatnya aksi unjuk rasa/demonstrasi di nomor: 0929-031103; 0929-951595; 0929-951596, dan twitter: KBRI_Bangkok.
3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk
Thailand declared martial law across the country today but tourist attractions remained open.
Bangkok residents report that it has been a relatively quiet day otherwise. Some locals were even spotted taking “selfie” pictures with soldiers.
Has been no violence and everyone went to work and school as normal. Protesters from the different groups stayed in their respective rally sites. So, for the average tourist today, they probably didn't see any protesters and it is quite possible that they didn't spot any soldiers.”
Thailand’s Tourism Authority said the situation remains unchanged in the city “except for the presence of soldiers on the streets, simply to maintain peace and ensure order is kept at the protest sites.”
“The implementation of martial law has had no affect on transport and tourism attractions across the country,” a spokeswoman continued. “All public transport and tourist attractions, including airports, tourist sites and shopping malls, are currently open and operating as normal.
“There is currently no curfew in place in Bangkok or at any other tourist destination in Thailand. Local residents and international visitors can continue to travel within Bangkok and other destinations in the country as usual.”
Allow extra time for journeys, including to the Bangkok airports.”
Bangkok residents report that it has been a relatively quiet day otherwise. Some locals were even spotted taking “selfie” pictures with soldiers.

Thailand’s Tourism Authority said the situation remains unchanged in the city “except for the presence of soldiers on the streets, simply to maintain peace and ensure order is kept at the protest sites.”
“The implementation of martial law has had no affect on transport and tourism attractions across the country,” a spokeswoman continued. “All public transport and tourist attractions, including airports, tourist sites and shopping malls, are currently open and operating as normal.
“There is currently no curfew in place in Bangkok or at any other tourist destination in Thailand. Local residents and international visitors can continue to travel within Bangkok and other destinations in the country as usual.”
Allow extra time for journeys, including to the Bangkok airports.”
4. Visiting Thailand? What Martial Law means for tourists.
By Juergen Steinmetz, eTN publisher | May 20, 2014
It's Tuesday morning, 9:30 am in the “Land of Smiles.” Tourists in Thailand are enjoying their breakfast and are getting ready for sightseeing tours, the beach, the Sky Train, shopping, for a walk around town, a taxi ride, transportation to the airport - all of this is a daily routine, and this routine is not expected to change for tourists visiting the Kingdom of Thailand.
It seems to be a regular Tuesday morning, but the morning discussion has changed overnight with the implementation of Martial Law in Thailand. Tourists are worried a little. They're watching CNN, BBC, DW TV, RT, and other international news channels during their breakfast and wondering what this has to do with them.
What does it mean for tourists? Will Thailand be a safe country to visit?
None of the questions had been answered on official tourism websites. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is still reporting about upcoming festivals, and the daily situation report does not mention Martial Law yet.
Most likely it means absolutely nothing for tourists. If anything, the streets in Bangkok will be safer and the traffic flow better.
Thailand will be a lot of fun as always. The tourism places will be open and operating normally, chefs at Thailand's excellent restaurants are already preparing lunch and dinner, and the SkyTrain in Bangkok is operating like always. Starbucks is busy, and shopping centers around Thailand are opening in the next 30 minutes and offering bargains for tourists as always. The latest movies can be watched in Thailand's movie theaters.
Nightlife on Silom Road in Bangkok will be active tonight. You can still get one of the best Thai or Foot massage in the world in Thailand. Also Thailand's female and male sex workers expect business as always.
Tourists not only in Bangkok, but also in Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai or elsewhere will have another beautiful day in the land of the smiles. At the end of the day tourists may ask: What Marshall Law?
The US-Dollar traded almost 33 Thai Baht today - tourists may want to get ready for a bargain.
The airports are operating normally, and it's a busy Tuesday morning at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International airport. Thai immigration officers are processing tourists and business visitors from all corners of the world, and taxi drivers are ready to take them to their hotels.
Domestic flights, trains, busses - all are operating normally.
What does Martial Law mean legally?
Martial law gives military officers the power to:
- Take action against war or riots
- Use arms to suppress unrest
- Search, confiscate, or occupy any premises or vehicles
- Censor information
- Block, search, and control postal services
- Activate the military court to judge on crimes within the area under Martial Law
- Mobilize civilians to help the military
- Procure resources such as vehicles or logistical materials to support military operations
- Prohibit public gatherings, publications, broadcasting, transport, communication, travel, the movement of people or any action that the Defense Ministry deems necessary
- Enforce curfews
- Destroy, remove, or adjust any premise or location for the purpose of military operations
- Arrest and detain suspects for a maximum of seven days
- People are not entitled to any compensation for damage incurred during such military operations
- Martial law can only be ended with a Royal Decree
This is a domestic issue. Tourists had never been the target of this conflict and even in times of protests that reported some violence, tourists were never hurt.
By Juergen Steinmetz, eTN publisher | May 20, 2014
It's Tuesday morning, 9:30 am in the “Land of Smiles.” Tourists in Thailand are enjoying their breakfast and are getting ready for sightseeing tours, the beach, the Sky Train, shopping, for a walk around town, a taxi ride, transportation to the airport - all of this is a daily routine, and this routine is not expected to change for tourists visiting the Kingdom of Thailand.
It seems to be a regular Tuesday morning, but the morning discussion has changed overnight with the implementation of Martial Law in Thailand. Tourists are worried a little. They're watching CNN, BBC, DW TV, RT, and other international news channels during their breakfast and wondering what this has to do with them.

None of the questions had been answered on official tourism websites. The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is still reporting about upcoming festivals, and the daily situation report does not mention Martial Law yet.
Most likely it means absolutely nothing for tourists. If anything, the streets in Bangkok will be safer and the traffic flow better.
Thailand will be a lot of fun as always. The tourism places will be open and operating normally, chefs at Thailand's excellent restaurants are already preparing lunch and dinner, and the SkyTrain in Bangkok is operating like always. Starbucks is busy, and shopping centers around Thailand are opening in the next 30 minutes and offering bargains for tourists as always. The latest movies can be watched in Thailand's movie theaters.
Nightlife on Silom Road in Bangkok will be active tonight. You can still get one of the best Thai or Foot massage in the world in Thailand. Also Thailand's female and male sex workers expect business as always.
Tourists not only in Bangkok, but also in Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai or elsewhere will have another beautiful day in the land of the smiles. At the end of the day tourists may ask: What Marshall Law?
The US-Dollar traded almost 33 Thai Baht today - tourists may want to get ready for a bargain.
The airports are operating normally, and it's a busy Tuesday morning at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International airport. Thai immigration officers are processing tourists and business visitors from all corners of the world, and taxi drivers are ready to take them to their hotels.
Domestic flights, trains, busses - all are operating normally.
What does Martial Law mean legally?
Martial law gives military officers the power to:
- Take action against war or riots
- Use arms to suppress unrest
- Search, confiscate, or occupy any premises or vehicles
- Censor information
- Block, search, and control postal services
- Activate the military court to judge on crimes within the area under Martial Law
- Mobilize civilians to help the military
- Procure resources such as vehicles or logistical materials to support military operations
- Prohibit public gatherings, publications, broadcasting, transport, communication, travel, the movement of people or any action that the Defense Ministry deems necessary
- Enforce curfews
- Destroy, remove, or adjust any premise or location for the purpose of military operations
- Arrest and detain suspects for a maximum of seven days
- People are not entitled to any compensation for damage incurred during such military operations
- Martial law can only be ended with a Royal Decree

This is a domestic issue. Tourists had never been the target of this conflict and even in times of protests that reported some violence, tourists were never hurt.
Martial Law is expected to have the army take control over the
situation. Tourism is one of the pillars of the Thai economy, and no
matter on what side someone is, tourists are greeted with a smile and
are protected.
Thailand based Diethelm Travel said: "The Army has insisted, that its declaration of martial law is not a Coup and is urging the public to go on with their daily lives. They stated that they want to preserve law and order in a more efficient way after the months long political crisis.
Diethelm Travel advises all visitors to Bangkok to avoid protests sites and surrounding areas, political rallies & marches as previously communicated.
All beach resorts and other destinations within Thailand have not been affected by the political situation and the airports and other transportation systems are running as normal."
Welcome to Thailand - Tourism Made in Thailand!
Thailand based Diethelm Travel said: "The Army has insisted, that its declaration of martial law is not a Coup and is urging the public to go on with their daily lives. They stated that they want to preserve law and order in a more efficient way after the months long political crisis.
Diethelm Travel advises all visitors to Bangkok to avoid protests sites and surrounding areas, political rallies & marches as previously communicated.
All beach resorts and other destinations within Thailand have not been affected by the political situation and the airports and other transportation systems are running as normal."
Welcome to Thailand - Tourism Made in Thailand!
5. Chat Line dari klien yang sedang ada di Bangkok 21 Mei. Dan emailnya setelah pulang "utk di bangkok sangat aman..cm ad bbrapa tentara berjaga di bbrpa tmpt spt terminal n mal..malahan sy g liat kl ada demo,enjoy2 aj slama dsana..turis jg msh luar biasa padat"
6. "The Thai army are hosting talks today between different groups involved in Thailand's political crisis. In the next few days we should all have a better idea of how Thailand plans to move forward politically.
From a tourist perspective, there is no need to panic or cancel trips to Thailand, but at the same time I fully understand why people may have concerns.
Many of you are concerned about the situation in Bangkok now after the announcement of the Martial Law. Everything is operating as per normal now in Bangkok, just that army troops have been deployed at certain parts of Bangkok. They are there to control the situation and prevent protests from forming and shutting down Bangkok again. Let’s pray that PEACE be restored to our favourite destination - Bangkok and Thailand.I went around Bangkok today see how things were going... Most areas are totally unaffected: Khaosan road is normal with the usual 99.5% Farangs and 0.5% Thais "
So , jadi arti Bangkok Martial Law itu apa ?
Kesempatan taking selfie pictures with handsome men in uniform ! :D
6. "The Thai army are hosting talks today between different groups involved in Thailand's political crisis. In the next few days we should all have a better idea of how Thailand plans to move forward politically.
From a tourist perspective, there is no need to panic or cancel trips to Thailand, but at the same time I fully understand why people may have concerns.
Many of you are concerned about the situation in Bangkok now after the announcement of the Martial Law. Everything is operating as per normal now in Bangkok, just that army troops have been deployed at certain parts of Bangkok. They are there to control the situation and prevent protests from forming and shutting down Bangkok again. Let’s pray that PEACE be restored to our favourite destination - Bangkok and Thailand.I went around Bangkok today see how things were going... Most areas are totally unaffected: Khaosan road is normal with the usual 99.5% Farangs and 0.5% Thais "
So , jadi arti Bangkok Martial Law itu apa ?
Kesempatan taking selfie pictures with handsome men in uniform ! :D
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